Let Compass Work For You

Please contact us (phone, email, snail mail, text, or LinkedIn). We’d love to talk with you, and discuss your thoughts about what you or your Company will need going forward. 

I could easily use dozens of graphs, charts, matrices, and buzz words. But in the end our focus is to make your Company better, more productive and profitable, and better able to withstand constant change and upheaval in today’s global marketplace. Each project is different – as is each Organization. Others rely on the use of their  “standardized” approach, with formats and templates formalized through their assignments. While templates are good as prompts, not every one meets all needs, just as no Organization is the same as others – even within the same Industry. Rather than shoehorn your Company into a template that just doesn’t fit, Compass works with you to determine what – specifically – are the best choices for your organization, going forward. The planning horizons keep shifting, and companies need to continually adjust their forecasts, and their products and services. We will help you do that with timely competitive intelligence that can become Actionable Intelligence. The intelligence, and how it’s gathered, is how Compass distinguishes itself from other Consulting Firms, and is a key differentiator among consulting firms.

So, please give me a call (616.813.5022, Eastern US Time Zone, GMT – 5), and let’s talk. I look forward to meeting you.

John B. Baxter, CEO & Managing Director
Compass Associates, Inc.

Chicago, IL | Grand Rapids, MI | Belgrade, Serbia
Boston, MA | Melbourne, AUS | Washington, DC
Barcelona, Spain | Guangzhou, China